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Stin Poli 


The Artistic Pedagogic Youth Organization “Sxedia stin poli” (the name means “ raft in the city”) is a non governmental, non profit organization established in Thessaloniki. It was created in 1999 as an informal group and from 2007 has the legal form of non profit, non governmental organization. Our organization was created by teachers, social workers, animators and artists who have a strong interest in the subject “communication and social sensitization through arts”. Our tasks are to promote volunteerism and solidarity, to empower creative youth participation, to sensitize kids and youth on social matters through Arts and to develop a dynamic cooperation network with NGOs and young people in local and international level. Our actions involve: Training young volunteers, implementing voluntary projects for kids and young people with fewer opportunities, designing educational programs in public schools for students in primary education, organizing training courses and seminars based on interactive, non formal education, creating open events, sensitization actions and art events in the city, participating in festivals, European projects and international youth exchanges.


Symposium "Is Inclusion an Illusion?" is under the honorary patronage of
the President of the Republic of Slovenia Borut Pahor.


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