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Argyro Sxitsa (Greece)

School as a Solidarity Lab: Building Trust, Acceptance and Communication in the Class

This workshop constitutes an experiential approach to group dynamics and the quality of developing relations. Educational tools to be used are role playing, exercises involving elements of drama in education and creative learning practices.

The aim of the workshop is to examine the difficulties of the team facing as system (school unit, educators and pupils, parents) and how we can create favorable conditions for the implementation of the inclusive education principles and the awareness of the school community, including broader neighborhood.

Iwona Stankiewicz in Adam J.Rusilowski (Poland):

Learning through Drama: Children as Designers

Session will explore techniques of building trust, concentration and cooperation within the community to test some of the principles of Dorothy Heathcote method “Mantle of the Expert”. Participants will experience how engagement is activated through challenging tasks and role-taking allowing to share responsibility for designing a social service or space. The facilitator will demonstrate ample opportunities of drama to empower learners with challenging tasks, giving them the decisive voice, freedom to make critical choices and reflect on the experience. Drama distancing tools will be used to prevent any risk of feeling personal failure and encourage initiative of the underprivileged, shy and oversensitive.

Radka Svobodova (Czech Republic):  

Karolina’s Story

In this workshops the participants will explore the concept and the whole process of the structured drama. Participants will have the opportunity to acquire technical and practical experience through a methodology based on team work, discussions and elaboration using also a method of practical exercises and simulations.

Saturday, 11. 5. 2019                Saturday, 11. 5. 2019                             Friday, 10. 5. 2019

     15:00 - 18:00                            10:00 - 13:00                                      16:00 - 19:00


Symposium "Is Inclusion an Illusion?" is under the honorary patronage of
the President of the Republic of Slovenia Borut Pahor.


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