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EVS - European Voluntary Service

This two long term EVS projects titled The Power of Theatre and Bring Youngsters to Ljubljana Castle Hill involved two sending organisations one from Spain (Coordinadora Infantil y Juvenil de Tiempo Libre de Vallecas) and one from Turkey (Eski Avrupa Gönüllü Hizmeti Gönüllüleri Gençlik DerneÄŸi) and one hosting/coordinating organization from Slovenia (DruÅ¡tvo ustvarjalcev Taka Tuka).  Three volunteers: Segundo Valmorisco López and Juan morata Sanz from Spain and Buram Can Kaya from Turkey were involved in the variety activities and projects developed by hosting organisation on the frame of culture and deafness. They had a possibility to work together with our local volunteers and to develop and implement their own projects in the field of youth work and intercultural learning. 
Vodnikova cesta 30, 1000 Ljubljana
Slovenia, Europe
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